When hiring someone, are you spending time Googling them? Is your team looking at an applicant’s Facebook page to determine if they are a good fit for your organization? You could be putting your organization at risk and employees could be wasting hours down an internet search rabbit hole. It is best practice to have a third party conduct and track social media screenings. One Source is now offering this employee background social media search service to keep you compliant and lower your risk.

The FCRA compliant Social Media Hiring Report involves a combination of technology and human expert analytics to correctly identify a candidate’s online presence on any publicly available website, including:

  • social media
  • blogs
  • micro-blogs
  • photo sharing
  • online commerce
  • news and media
  • and much more.

Once a candidate’s profile is identified, the content is reviewed and flagged for any workplace safety issues:

  • racism/intolerance
  • violence
  • potentially illegal activity
  • sexually explicit material

A report is then created with examples of red flagged material with the redaction of any federal or state protected class information. The report provides insight into a candidate’s online behavior and appropriateness as a candidate who is a fit for a company’s basic code of conduct, values, or social media policy and limits risk of a negligent hire. Per FCRA, the report includes a review of up to 7 years of history. All information provided on the reports are actionable towards a hiring decision and consent is required before this report can be performed.

70% of employers use social media to screen candidates, up by 60% since 2006. Within that 70% of employers, they found the following using social media reports:


Add this service to your account today and get locked in at our low introductory offer!         800.608.3645 (Option 1)

Ashley Azar

With over 9 years in the background screening industry, Ashley works with One Source clients to meet their specific needs and expectations. Having worked in several different departments, Ashley has vast experience in all of the services that One Source offers. This experience helps ensure clients are meeting their hiring and retention needs. With each association, the challenge of onboarding and policy excites Ashley.