Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking
One Source Modern Slavery Statement
One Source The Background Check Company is opposed to slavery and human trafficking in all forms and pledges to take steps to ensure that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our business or with the suppliers with whom we work.
How to Dispute or Request a Block of Information That Is the Result of Human Trafficking
One Source is committed to supporting all survivors of human trafficking. If you are or have been a victim of human trafficking, you may dispute or request a block of adverse information that is the result of human trafficking by submitting the following information:
- Proof of identity, such as a driver’s license, government-issued ID, Social Security card, or birth certificate.
- Trafficking victim determination documentation, generally defined as documentation establishing that you were a victim of human trafficking. This documentation may take many forms, including:
- A determination of victim status by a federal, state, or tribal governmental entity;
- Court documents reflecting determination of victim status;
- A determination of victim status by a non-governmental organization or human trafficking task force, including victim service providers affiliated with these entities, authorized by the government to make such a determination; or
- A statement from you stating that you were a victim of human trafficking, signed or certified by an authorized representative of a governmental entity, court, or non-governmental organization authorized by the government to make such a determination.
- Identification of adverse information that is the result of human trafficking.
- If a designated representative is acting on your behalf, in addition to your proof of identity, proof of the designated representative’s identity and documentation establishing the representative is authorized to act on your behalf are requested.
Submit the information above:
By Web: Human Trafficking Online Dispute Form
By Mail to:
One Source The Background Check Company
10842 Old Mill Rd #6
Omaha, NE 68154
One Source The Background Check Company
PO Box 24148
Omaha, Nebraska 68142
By Email to:
Contact us for further information at 800.608.3645
Additional Information:
For additional information, please visit:
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, How can I block items from my credit report that are the result of trafficking?
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, A Summary of Your Rights Under the FCRA