OSCC Quarter 3 Report
Each quarter, we run a report to review the results of our One Source Certified Contractors (OSCC) program. This program is a rigorous check used to help decipher eligibility for site access with our TotalCheck background screening packages and the option of drug screening. From schools to construction sites, OSCC offers the screening you would normally require for your employees, to contractors who might otherwise go un-screened.
Minimum requirements include:
- No felony or misdemeanor convictions for crimes involving weapons, drugs, violence, theft, robbery, burglary, terroristic threats or sexual offenses*
- A negative drug test for amphetamines, cannabinoids, cocaine, opiates and phencyclidines (if drug screening option has been chosen by site)
Quarter 3 findings:
Check out the breakdown of the 343 applicants who failed to gain site access through our screening below.
To learn more about these results or our OSCC program, contact our OSCC Team.
*Please note, this is not an exhaustive list.