Find the forms & documents your team needs for effective background screening below.

Can't find what you're looking for? Check the online portal's document library instead.



Quick Start Guide

Learn best practices for navigating our online portal and systems. Contains instructions for logging in, placing orders, viewing reports, and more.

Certified Contractors Quick Start Guide

Instructions on how to log in, place orders, view certifications, and more for participating Certified Contractors members.

Adverse Action Process Guide

Learn how to navigate adverse action through the One Source online portal.

Applicant Quick Invite Guide

A look at the applicant's perspective when they're invited to complete their screening via email or text.

Automated I-9 Guide

Find out how to file I-9 forms for staff from start to finish electronically.

Batch Ordering Guide

Discover how to simplify multiple-applicant orders through a spreadsheet upload.

Billing User Guide

A detailed walkthrough for accessing invoices, billing information, and order payment statuses associated with your account(s).

Creating & Customizing Reports Guide

Explore the various ways to filter order criteria and compile candidate information for review.


Automatic Payment Authorization Form

Employers must complete this form to set up automatic payments with One Source.

Client Access Customization Form

Account Administrators can complete this form to add, remove, or change access for their team members.

Client Account Enhancement Form

Account administrators can complete this form to modify account design, permissible purposes, and business changes.

Iowa Abuse Registry Form

Employers who wish to check abuse registry in the state of Iowa will need every applicant to complete this and return to One Source.


FCRA Summary of Rights

Outlines the applicants’ rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), promoting accuracy, fairness, and privacy in the handling of consumer information by reporting agencies.

Haga clic aquí para la versión española.

Notice to Users of Consumer Reports

A vital legal notice that outlines your obligations under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) as a consumer report user.


Ordering FAQs

Find quick answers to common questions about our ordering process.

Remedying the Effects of Identity Theft

When an applicant believes they are a victim of identity theft, this document provides them with the necessary steps.

Haga clic aquí para la versión española.

State Laws and Notices

CA Notice of Background Investigation & Use of Credit Information

A summary of the provisions of the California Civil Code §1785.20.5 for residents or applicants in California.

CA Notice Regarding Background Investigation Pursuant to California Law

A summary of the provisions of the California Civil Code §1786.22 for residents or applicants in California.

MD Summary of Rights

This document applies to applicants residing in Maryland or taking employment in Maryland.

NY Correction Law Article 23-A

A summary of the provisions of the New York Correction Law for residents or applicants in New York.

NJ State Summary of Rights

A summary of the provisions of the New Jersey Fair Credit Reporting Act (NJFCRA) §56:11-28 et seq. for residents or applicants in New Jersey.

New Mexico Notice of Rights

This document applies to applicants residing in New Mexico or taking employment in New Mexico.

WA State Summary of Rights

A summary of the provisions of the Washington State Fair Credit Reporting Act (WFCRA) for residents or applicants in Washington.

External Links

Choose from these links for compliance and legal rights: