As the subject of any Consumer Report, you are entitled to one free copy of your report within 60 days of the date the report was ordered, as laid out in the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has prepared “A Summary of Your Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act,” which defines your rights and actions that you can take if you feel there is information in your consumer report that you wish to dispute.

To better assist you with your dispute, we have summarized these below:

Group 66

Can I know what’s in my background report?

Anyone who utilizes your report to deny your application for insurance, credit, or employment must notify you and provide you with contact information for the agency that provided the information. If you’ve been turned down for employment because of information contained in your consumer report, you have the right to obtain a free copy of it if requested within 60 days of receiving the notice.

Group 66

What can I dispute on my report?

If you’ve identified information in your report that you believe is inaccurate, incomplete, or unverifiable, you have the right to dispute those findings with us.

Group 66

How do I dispute something on my report?

To dispute something on your report, please complete one of the following:

Request a Copy Online | Request a Copy by Mail

To request a full file disclosure, please contact our team via phone or email.

Phone: (800) 608.3645

Group 66

How do I dispute something on my report?

To dispute something on your report, please complete one of the following:

Request a Copy Online | Request a Copy by Mail

To request a full file disclosure, please contact our team via phone or email.

Phone: (800) 608.3645

Group 66

How can I submit a human trafficking block or dispute?

If you’re a victim of human trafficking seeking to block or dispute information related to your human trafficking experience, please complete one of the following:

Human Trafficking Online Dispute Form | Mail Your Dispute

PLEASE NOTE: Once a dispute is received, please allow time for processing. One Source The Background Check Company is sensitive to the fact that many of our disputes keep applicants from starting jobs. That is why we strive to handle all disputes within three business days. Please be aware that some disputes take longer and can take up to 60 days, depending on the circumstances of the dispute.

Once a dispute is completed, One Source will automatically notify our client (the company that ordered the report about you) of the outcome and provide them with an updated version of your consumer report if applicable. If applicable, a new copy will also be mailed to you at the address you provided at the time of the dispute.